Amul Taaza Milk 1Ltr
Amul Taaza Homogenised Toned Milk is a trusted milk brand in India, known for its high-quality and nutrition. The 1 liter pack of Taaza milk is ideal for medium to large-sized families who require a substantial quantity of milk for daily use.
The milk is made from high-quality cow’s milk, which undergoes a homogenization process that ensures that the milk is uniform in texture and fat content throughout. Taaza milk is toned, which means that it has a lower fat content than regular whole milk but is richer in nutrients like calcium and protein.
The milk is pasteurized, which helps to remove harmful bacteria and ensure that the milk is safe for consumption. The 1 liter pack of Amul Taaza Homogenised Toned Milk is easy to store and can fit easily in any refrigerator.
The milk is perfect for use in tea, coffee, or for making nutritious beverages like smoothies and shakes. The milk has a pleasant taste and aroma, making it a favorite among many Indian households.
Overall, Amul Taaza Homogenised Toned Milk in a 1 liter pack is a great option for those who want high-quality, nutritious, and convenient milk for daily use in larger quantities. It offers great value for money and is a popular choice for households all over India.
Country Of Origin: India
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Instant & Frozen Food
AMUL Butter 200 GM
AMUL Butter is a premium quality dairy product that is made from pure milk. This delicious butter comes in a 200 gram pack and is known for its rich, creamy and irresistible taste. It is made using traditional churning methods which give it a smooth texture and a delightful aroma.
AMUL Butter is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which are essential for good health. It is an excellent source of energy and is perfect for spreading on bread, toast, or using in cooking and baking. The product is made using only the freshest milk and is free from any harmful chemicals, preservatives or artificial colors.
AMUL Butter 200 GM is a great choice for those who value taste and quality. It is an ideal accompaniment for your breakfast and adds a touch of richness to your meal. Whether you are making sandwiches, baking cookies, or simply spreading it on a slice of toast, AMUL Butter is the perfect choice for yo
Country Of Origin: India
SKU: n/a -
Dairy & Breakfast
Amul Taaza Homogenised Toned Milk 200ml
Amul Taaza Homogenised Toned Milk is a popular and trusted milk brand in India. The 200ml pack of Taaza milk is a convenient option for individuals and families who require a small quantity of milk for daily use. The milk is made from high-quality cow’s milk, which undergoes a homogenization process that ensures that the milk is uniform in texture and fat content throughout.
The milk is toned, which means that it has a lower fat content than regular whole milk but is richer in nutrients like calcium and protein. Taaza milk is also pasteurized, which helps to remove harmful bacteria and ensure that the milk is safe for consumption.
The 200ml pack of Amul Taaza Homogenised Toned Milk is easy to store and carry, making it an ideal choice for those who are always on the go. It is perfect for use in tea, coffee, or for making nutritious beverages like smoothies and shakes. The milk has a pleasant taste and aroma, making it a favorite among many Indian households.
Overall, Amul Taaza Homogenised Toned Milk is a high-quality, nutritious, and convenient milk option that is perfect for daily use.
Country Of Origin: India
SKU: n/a -
Personal Care
Bajaj Almonds Drops Hair Oil, Pack of 1, 650ml
Bajaj Almonds Drops Hair Oil is a premium quality hair oil that comes in a pack of 1 and contains 650ml of product. This hair oil is specially formulated with the goodness of almonds and vitamin E to nourish and strengthen hair from root to tip.
The natural ingredients in this hair oil work together to moisturize the scalp, prevent hair fall, and promote hair growth. The sweet almond oil in the formula is rich in essential fatty acids, which help to hydrate and protect hair, while vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting hair from damage caused by free radicals.
This hair oil is easy to apply and absorbs quickly into the scalp, leaving hair feeling soft, smooth, and shiny. It is suitable for all hair types and can be used by both men and women.
The large 650ml pack size ensures that you have a long-lasting supply of this high-quality hair oil. With regular use, Bajaj Almonds Drops Hair Oil can help you achieve stronger, healthier, and more beautiful hair.
Country Of Origin: India
SKU: n/a -
Tea, Coffee & Health Drinks
Bourn Vita 120Gm
Bournvita 120Gm is a popular health drink powder that is enriched with essential vitamins and minerals. It is a product of the Cadbury company and is known for its delicious chocolate flavor. This 120Gm pack size is perfect for individuals who want to enjoy the goodness of Bournvita without committing to a larger pack.
Bournvita is a great source of nutrition and provides the body with the necessary nutrients required for growth and development. It is rich in calcium, iron, vitamin D, and other essential vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body. The drink is particularly beneficial for children as it helps them to build strong bones, teeth, and muscles. Additionally, Bournvita is also beneficial for adults as it helps to boost energy levels and improve cognitive function.
The powder is easy to prepare and can be consumed by mixing it with warm or cold milk. It can be consumed at any time of the day, but is particularly beneficial in the morning as it provides the body with the necessary energy to start the day.
In conclusion, Bournvita 120Gm is a delicious and nutritious health drink powder that is suitable for individuals of all ages. It is a convenient pack size that is perfect for those who want to enjoy the benefits of Bournvita without committing to a larger pack.
Country Of Origin: India
SKU: n/a -
Instant & Frozen Food
Amul Cheese 100Gm
AMUL Cheese 100 GM is a premium quality cheese made from pure cow’s milk. This 100-gram pack of cheese is known for its delicious taste and rich texture, making it a favorite among cheese lovers.
AMUL Cheese is rich in protein and essential nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus, making it a healthy addition to your diet. It is free from any harmful chemicals, preservatives, or artificial colors, ensuring that you get the best quality cheese every time.
This cheese has a versatile nature and can be used in a variety of dishes, such as pizzas, sandwiches, or as a topping on your favorite snacks. It adds a creamy and savory flavor to any dish it is added to, making it a must-have ingredient in your kitchen.
AMUL Cheese 100 GM is perfect for those who want to enjoy the goodness of pure and fresh cow’s milk in their daily diet. So, go ahead and indulge in the rich and creamy taste of AMUL Cheese 100 GM and add a touch of deliciousness to your meals and snacks.
SKU: n/a -
Tea, Coffee & Health Drinks
Bourn Vita 200 Gm
Bournvita 200 gm is a popular health drink powder that is enriched with essential vitamins and minerals. It is a product of the Cadbury company and is known for its delicious chocolate flavor. This 200 gm pack size is perfect for families or individuals who want to enjoy the goodness of Bournvita for a longer period.
Bournvita is a great source of nutrition and provides the body with the necessary nutrients required for growth and development. It is rich in calcium, iron, vitamin D, and other essential vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body. The drink is particularly beneficial for children as it helps them to build strong bones, teeth, and muscles. Additionally, Bournvita is also beneficial for adults as it helps to boost energy levels and improve cognitive function.
The powder is easy to prepare and can be consumed by mixing it with warm or cold milk. It can be consumed at any time of the day, but is particularly beneficial in the morning as it provides the body with the necessary energy to start the day.
In conclusion, Bournvita 200 gm is a delicious and nutritious health drink powder that is suitable for individuals of all ages. It is a convenient pack size that provides families or individuals with a longer-lasting supply of Bournvita.
Country Of Origin: India
SKU: n/a
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